Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bob Dylan Radio Documentary about his 1962-63 trip to England

This morning I was surfing Facebook when I read on Fred Velez's wall that there is a Bob Dylan documentary on BBC called Bob Dylan's Big Freeze about his trip to England during the winter of 1962-63.  Even though I have read several biographies of Dylan, I can't remember reading about this trip.  Any Dylan fans reading my journal should go to by Saturday November 26th to hear this documentary.  It seems that the BBC will only archive specialty shows for one week.  There is a good synopsis of this show at

Anyway any artist is stimulated by his experiences.  The writer of this program strongly believes that this trip inspired Bob to write several songs that appeared on subsequent albums.  Remember at this point in time "Freewheelin'" had yet to be recorded.  Let me quote from the obscure cut I Shall Be Free #10 on the Another Side of Bob Dylan album which was released in 1964.
Now you’re probably wondering by now
Just what this song is all about
What’s probably got you baffled more
Is what this thing here is for
It’s nothing
It’s something I learned over in England

I highly recommend this program for all Dylan fans.

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