Sunday, December 25, 2011

The NBA Season Finally Begins

It certainly was a Merry Christmas for Knick fans as the season finally began as the Knicks beat the Boston Celtics 106-104 at Madison Square Garden.  Carmelo Anthony lead the Knicks with 37 points as they overcame an 8 point deficit after 3 quarters.  Rookie Iman Shumpert left the game with an injury and may be out of action from 2 to 4 weeks.

Each team will play 66 games with a compressed schedule which may be very difficult for veteran players.  Since the pre-season was so short, it may take a while for the level of play to come up to speed.  As I mentioned before in this journal, I will likely not go to any games this season since the prices of tickets has gone up dramatically.

We may be able to see few Knick games on TV since Time Warner Cable is in dispute with Madison Square Garden Networks.  It seems that Cablevision which owns the Garden  and the cable TV network wants more money from Time Warner to carry the games.  I guess the fan has to pay the multi-million dollar salaries of the players.  Also, over 3 years there will be major renovations to the arena which must be paid for by the TV viewers and ticket buyers.  It is a shame that two multi-billion dollar companies have to fight it out with the fans caught in the middle.  I think that the two sides will settle since there will be too much money lost on both sides if Time Warner subscribers are shut out of games.

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