Monday, January 16, 2012

Random Thoughts on Martin Luther King Day

We met friends Alan Berman and Cara Sieden for Breakfast at the International House of Pancakes on Northern Blvd. in Flushing.  I always have their chocolate chip pancakes.  If I wanted an ordinary breakfast dish I could go to any diner, but a trip to the IHOP is always a treat. Luckily last June while we were on vacation in Southern California there was one a short drive from our hotel in Long Beach.

For the first time in many years I didn't go to the Knick game on King Day.  I just felt that it was a rip off to pay $225 for three tickets in nosebleed territory.  The Knicks lost to the Orlando Magic and now have a 6-7 record at the beginning of this lockout shortened season.

I found out by listening to Claudia Marshall on WFUV this morning that Al Kooper will be appearing at BB Kings in February.  Karen and I saw him at the Bottom Line in 1984 when Cousin Brucie hosted the show.  I think  check him out 28 years later.  I think he is one of classic rock's underrated performers.

Back to work tomorrow as the Spring Semester begins at NJIT.

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