Thursday, March 8, 2012

Popular Posts - A new Feature of Bruce's Journal

I made a small change in Bruce's Journal.  If you scroll down, and look at the right side you will now see the 5 most popular posts.  It seems that there are a few people who check this blog every day, but for the most part people search Google and land on one page.

The Top Post is Jason Keller - Jeopardy Superstar.  When you Google Jeopardy this post is on the first page.  Jason was  big winner on the show a couple of months ago.

Second Place is Prayers for Gary Carter - this post got many hits the day after Gary passed away.

You can check for the other 3 of my most popular posts.  I am now approaching 2000 posts in Bruce's Journal since I started it in October 2005.

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