Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You Can't Fire the Team So You Fire the Coach

Knick coach Mike D'Antoni resigned today after 3 1/2 years as coach of the Knicks.  His record over that time was 121-166.  It wasn't all his fault since he was stuck with players that Isiah Thomas brought to the team who were just misfits.  After the Linsanity wore off the Knicks lost 6 in a row.  I think it takes time for the players to mold as a team.  I didn't like the high scoring games that took place under Mike D'Antoni.  I fondly recall the chants of "Defense" in MSG years ago when the late Red Holtzman was the coach.

Mike Woodson was named interim coach.  Perhaps if the Knicks make the playoffs and advance, he will be retained.  I think that owener James Dolan, who is in my opinion the root of all the problems, may try to lure Phil Jackson out of retirement.  I was just pissed this season with the outrageous ticket prices and the dispute between Time Warner Cable and MSG.

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