Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Random Comments of the Day

Last night I had to switch between the following 4 games on TV:
  • Mets vs Atlanta - they lost 9-3
  • Yankees vs Minnesota - they won 8-3
  • NJ Devils vs Florida - they lost 4-3
  • Knicks vs Boston Celtics - they won 118-110
For several weeks there will NBA basketball, major league baseball and the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Baseball games are just too slow these games especially in the American League.  Some reasons:
  • The manager or pitching coach comes out too often
  • The catcher consults with the pitcher
  • The batter steps out of the box
  • The batters work out full counts and foul off many pitches
  • There are too many pitching changes.  Very often a pitcher is brought in to face only one batter
The battles between the Yankees and Red Sox are notoriously long with 9 inning games lasting 4 hours.

The powers that be changed Google Analytics.  It is now harder to use.

I am approaching 2000 entries in Bruce's Journal

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