Thursday, May 10, 2012

2000 Posts in Bruce's Journal

I have just posted 2000 times in Bruce's Journal since October 15, 2005.  Yes, the topics have ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime.  Some of my favorite topics over these 6 1/2 years have been:

  • Bob Dylan
  • New York Mets
  • Jeopardy
  • Radio
  • Oldies Music
  • The Family
There have been other topics, but the above 6 have been my favorites.  Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have enjoyed reading "my nonsense". I believe I only have a handful of regular readers.  Most people Google on a topic and find a single posting.  Since so few people make comments it is frustrating not knowing the impact of my writings on others.  I have loads of statistics from Google Analytics, but they don't prove anything. My other contributions in this Web 2.0 era have been:

  • Approximately 1400 Tweets
  • 465 posts on Bruce at the NJIT Library
  • Unknown number of posts on Facebook
Have a nice day and come back again.

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