Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Good Luck Jay Sorensen on your new radio gig

Since I am home this week I had more time to listen to radio during the middle of the day.  I am not a fan of talk radio, but I found out that Big Jay Sorensen seen above appeared today on IQ 106.9 from Philadelphia.  I had the pleasure of meeting Jay at a few of the Oldies Meets and Greets that I organized with Alan Berman and Jeff Scheckner.  I decided to check out Jay from 12:00 - 12:30 and from 1:00 - 1:30 although the show continued until 3:00.  At 12:30 I had to watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire while at 1:30 I had to watch the Mets who won the game 3-1.

Jay said that he worked at 13 radio stations at 42 years.  I have certainly heard him recently as he has filled in many times at WCBS-FM.  I heard recordings of his Time Machine show on WNBC from the late 1980s at ReelRadio.  He talked about a situation where a Pizza chain specifically catered to Spanish customers.  In the second segment he discussed a recent murder in Atlantic City.

I do not feel qualified to critique a talk radio host since I am not in the radio business.  I felt that Jay let the callers talk without bashing them.  One reason that I don't regularly listen to talk radio is that very often the host will bash a caller if there is disagreement on an issue.

I am aware that in this era of voice tracking it is difficult for radio personalities to get gigs.  It appears that IQ 106.9, a new radio station station, is a work in progress and is giving on the air auditions to several people including Jay and Michelle Jerson.

Be Big, Jay.  I wish you the best of success in all of your radio endeavors.

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