Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spending Father's Day with Mr. Lee

Lee and I went to Forest Park earlier this morning to play basketball and walk through the park.  At 9 AM as usual I phone my friend Roy in Brooklyn.  Later today we will go to see Rock of Ages at the local multiplex.  A few years ago we saw the Broadway show.  After that we will go to Ben's Deli in Bayside where today dads can eat for 40 cents.  I think I have given them enough business over the years, so I have earned a free meal from them.

If course I miss my Dad who passed away in 1997.

Below is a Youtube video of Color Him Father by the Winstons.  A few years ago Lee sent an e-mail to Sue  O'Neal to play it on Father's Day on WCBS-FM.  Last night Cousin Brucie played it on SiriusXM.

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