Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Bob Dylan Album to Be Released September 11

It was certainly useful to have internet access while I was on vacation.  Alan Berman was certainly on the ball when he e-mail and posted to my Facebook Timeline the announcement that the new Bob Dylan CD titled Tempest will be released on September 11.  The details were reported by Rolling Stone Magazine.  There will be a tribute to John Lennon over 30 years after his death.

The Dylan CD Love and Theft was released on September 11, 2001, the date of the terrorist attacks.  This new album will be released on Tuesday September 11, 2012 which I believe is the first time the anniversary of  9/11 is on a Tuesday.  It was also noted that the Tempest was the name of Shakespeare's last play.  It is amazing that Bob Dylan has recorded albums for 50 years.

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