Friday, July 6, 2012

WCBS-FM Anniversary and other Activities of the Day

Today, I am really glad that NJIT is closed on Fridays.  I listened to Dan Taylor's morning show on WCBS-FM as he had several guests phone into the station.  I sent the station an e-mail recalling the Harry Harrison Birthday Book.  I obviously can't listen to the radio for the entire day, but Mary Shaw sent me an e-mail saying that after 10 AM Joe Causi mentioned my name.

From 6 PM - 7 PM we listened to Cousin Brucie's return to WCBS-FM.  Throughout the day it was really nice to hear 1955-63 hits rarely heard on the post 2007 version of the station.  I still like the station, but they play too many burnt out classic hits.

At 7 PM we turned on Jeopardy.  It has to be an extraordinary event for me to miss my favorite TV show.  I just hate it when Channel 7 interrupts for a news report which is usually not urgent.

Right now I am listening to Bob Radil's 60s 70s show on Rewound Radio.  I always try to squeeze in some time for his excellent show.  After I complete this journal entry it is on to the Mets vs Cubs.  The Yankees are playing the Red Sox at Fenway, but that will likely be a 4 hour plus game.

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