Bruce Slutsky was born in New York City in 1949. I retired six years ago after working as a Science/Engineering Librarian at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark for 25 years. I was married to Karen until she passed away in February 2021. I have a son Lee who is now 35 years old. I am very much interested in the popular music of the 1960s, especially Bob Dylan and the Beatles. I am interested in rock and roll radio. I am an enthusiastic fan of the New York Mets.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Queens Loses Another Synagogue
The current issue of the Queens Chronicle reports that the Garden Jewish Center in north Flushing will be merging with the Bay Terrace Jewish Center. This is part of a disturbing demographic trend of the Jewish population of Queens diminishing. A few years ago Temple Israel of Jamaica merged with a synagogue in New Hyde Park and sold their building in Jamaica Estates. Many of the apartment buildings in north Flushing were constructed in the early 1950s and were populated by young Jewish families. Those Jews aged and eventually passed away or moved to Arizona or Florida. The younger Jews likely moved to the suburbs creating a demographic change. Most of Flushing today is populated by Asians. Nothing in this world stays the same.
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