Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Random Thoughts of the Day

I spent some time thinking of the year past and my hopes for 5773.  It was nice to spend some quiet time with the family on Rosh Hashana.

I received my tickets for the Dylan concert at the Barclay center in the mail.  Yesterday was also the start of the season for Jeopardy.  I say that if you enjoy something, go for it.

As of 5 PM, the big rain has not yet come.  The Mets and the Yankees who were scheduled at home already cancelled their games.

I did not check my work e-mail over the holiday.  I read it tomorrow when I return.  Sadly, some people don't talk, they send e-mail.  I've initiated some unpleasant confrontations over this issue in the past.  I will stand my ground if I feel I am right.

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