Sunday, October 14, 2012

The 7th Anniversary of Bruce's Journal

This is the 7th anniversary of Bruce’s Journal.  I have been very prolific over these years writing  over 2100 entries about my background and experiences.  My output is declining somewhat since I may be running out of new ideas.  I try not to be too personal, since there are always some issues that I don’t want to share with just anyone surfing the web.  My favorite topics are:

  • Bob Dylan
  • The New York Mets
  • Jeopardy
  • My family
  • Oldies Music

If a few days go by with writers cramp on my part, I will post of Youtube video of a song.

I analyze the use of my journals from data  from Google Analytics and from Blogger.  Some of my most popular entries were:

  • The Tale of the Two Dollar Bill 
  • Congratulations to the Beach Boys on their 50th Anniversary
  • TGIF
  • Jason Keller - Jeopardy Superstar
  • Yom Kippur
  • Remembering the Beatles Butcher Cover

People from all over the world have hit Bruce’s Journal over the 7 years.  There have been over 150,000 hits.  I am aware of a few people who read it regularly, but must people do Google searches and land on a page.

Thanks for stopping by.

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