Friday, November 23, 2012

Bob Dylan - The Never Ending Narrative 1990-2006

I guess people could talk and write about Bob Dylan indefinitely.  So much has been said in many forms of the media about Dylan in the 1960s and 1970s.  Certainly over time interpretations change.  However, there is very little written or said about the later Dylan.  Quite by accident I found the video listed above.  It features interviews with Dylan experts Johnny Rogan, Derek Barker, Clinton Heylin and Nigel Williamson.  It shows how Dylan recovered from a career slump in the early 1990s.  It is quite rare for anyone to be active in show business for over 50 years.  With the Tempest CD and the Never Ending Tour continuing there will have to be a future video covering 2007- .  Let's hope that Bob Dylan will stay Forever Young and never retire.  I highly recommend this video for all Dylan fans.

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