Monday, November 19, 2012

More Random Thoughts

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here.  We were so engrossed in Hurricane Sandy, so the holiday is only 3 days away.

There is a rumor on the radio message boards that 94.7 FM will become a country radio station after it is purchased by Cumulus.  I hope this happens since until 1996 WYNY, NYC's last country station, was a favorite of mine.

We are getting ready to see Bob Dylan at the new Barclay's Center in Brooklyn.  We are keeping an eye on the set lists.

Claudia Marshall, formerly the morning DJ, moved to Vermont and has a weekly two hour radio gig.  Sometimes I wish I could leave the rat race of NYC and move to a rural area.

That's about it for now.  I guess I have a little writer's cramp.

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