Saturday, December 8, 2012

It was Hitchcock Day in the Slutsky Family

Karen has been a fan of Alfred Hitchcock and his movies for many years.  Back in the 1980s when we first got a VCR she taped many of his films.  She has been anticipating the release of the new movie Hitchcock staring Anthony Hopkins.  It wasn't playing at the local multiplex so we took a short drive to the Kew Gardens Cinema.  Hopkins was absolutely superb in his portrayal of Hitchcock.  This movie showed his role as director of Psycho released in 1960.  The shower scene in Psycho was considered very violent in 1960, but is quite tame by today's standards.  We recalled that back then a movie opened in one or two theaters in Manhattan and weeks later came to neighborhood  cinemas.

When we got home we couldn't resist going into our library of VHS tapes and viewing the original Psycho.

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