Thursday, January 24, 2013

I Should Check Out Vin Scelsa's Idiot Delight More Often

There is so much good stuff on terresttial, internet and satellite radio and only so much time in a day that I just can't listen to everything.  There is only so much time in a day and I have only two ears.  Vin Scelsa has been on the air in NYC for at least 35 years.  His Idiot's Delight show is heard on WFUV on Saturday night.  It is also heard on the Loft on SiriusXM.

This afternoon I turned on the Loft and Vin played the Basement Tapes version of Bob Dylan's The Mighty Quinn followed by the hit cover version by Manfred Mann.  In all my years of listening to the radio I can not remember a DJ playing Dylan and then right after a cover version.  Perhaps WFUV did it years ago.

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