Monday, April 8, 2013

Congratulations to Pat St. John on His 40th Anniversary in New York Radio

Over the years there have been plenty of radio personalities who have come and gone from the New York airwaves.  Pat St. John has certainly passed the test of time as he celebrates 40 years on the New York radio dial.  I had the pleasure of meeting Pat at the 3rd Annual Oldies Meet and Greet held at Ben's Deli in December 2008.  It was certainly nice of Pat to come out to meet his listeners.  Most of his years were spent  at WPLJ and WNEW-FM.

He is currently on the air on WCBS-FM on Sundays from 11 AM - 3 PM.  At that time I am usually in the car on the way to visit my mother in Westbury.  I just love his collectible cut feature which I usually hear as I drive into the parking lot of my mother's building.  I catch him from time to time on several channels on SiriusXM.

Rewound Radio  featured a 3 hour retrospective of his radio career last Saturday, but I was at the Met game.  It will be repeated tomorrow night at 7 PM when I will be listening on my iPhone on the way home from work.  Thanks to John Troll and Allan Sniffen for airing this show.

A hearty congratulations to Pat and I hope you will be on the radio for many more years.  More information may be found at:

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