In recent years I have purchased most of my books for the Amazon Kindle, but I bought the print version of this book. I actually found out about this book by reading the New York Radio Message Board. It usually takes me several days or even a week to read a book, but I actually finished this book in one sitting from 10:30 AM to about 12 Noon today. Once I started it, I just couldn't put it down. I met one of the authors, Peter Kanze, on the WABC cruise in June 2007. I even spoke to him over the phone one year during WABC Rewound.
The old saying that a picture is worth 1000 words certainly applies to this book. Most of the images belong to the personal collection of Peter Kanze. Others were from the Library of American Broadcasting at the University of Maryland. In all my years as a librarian, I have never heard of that collection. Some years ago I regularly did research at the Performing Arts Center of the New York Public Library which has collections on radio. I look forward to my retirement when I will have the time to return there to do more reading.
The photographs with their captions cover most formats and radio stations from 1920 to the present. There are numerous pictures of radio personalities that I've known for years. I highly recommend this book for all of my radio friends and congratulate Alec Cumming and Peter Kanze for a job well done.
By the way, I just found a photo that I took of Peter Kanze (tan jacket) and Rob Frankel at the WABC Cruise in June 2007.
Thank you, Bruce! I'll be sure to send Peter your regards!