Friday, May 24, 2013

Bob Dylan's Birthday was a Little Different for Me This Year

Since I work for a university I usually take a vacation week in May just after the spring semester ends.  Thus usually on Dylan's birthday I am home listening to Mr. Zimmerman's music.  Some months ago the boss sent a memo saying that since our library was doing an inventory project, we could not take vacation time during the last two weeks of May.  So I had to change my plans for this year.

I set my clock radio to WFUV and luckily as I woke up at 6:10 Corny O'Connell played Shelter from the Storm followed by a cover of Buckets of Rain.

Since I was doing mundane data entry work I was able to listen to internet radio at work.  At about 9:30 WFUV played a set of Dylan covers as requested by the listeners.  Later in the day I listened to:

Bob Dylan Tracks

I have discussed these internet radio stations in this journal before.

Since it was a holiday weekend the boss let everyone go home early.  While eating dinner the family listened to Bringing it All Back Home.  On his 60s 70s show Bob Radil played my request ofLeopard Skin Pillbox Hat.

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