Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Dedication to Alan Berman on Cousin Brucie's Show

About 10 AM yesterday I sent the following request to Cousin Brucie:

Dear Cousin Brucie:

Oldies radio recently lost a very dear friend as Alan Berman was tragically killed in an automobile crash.  He had been one of your cousins since the WABC days in the 1960s.  Please dedicate I Remember You by Frank Ifield to honor Alan.  Thank you so much.

Bruce Slutsky
Flushing, NY

I turned on his show and was recording it on my computer.  As you know the Cuz is very popular as he receives tons on requests by email and phone.  When I didn't here my request by 10:20 PM, I felt I had to turn off my computer.  Perhaps the request "feel through the cracks."

Today was Alan's funeral at the Mount Hebron Cemetery.  I thank the people who actually came and those who were with us in spirit.  I am sure that Alan feels the same way and it appreciative of the support of his family and friends.   The rabbi said she heard my request at about 11 PM.  Thanks Cousin Brucie for coming through.  You are a Radio Mensch.

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