Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Random Thoughts of the Day

I was off from work today because I had to go a periodontist in Forest Hills for surgery on my gums.  She did the upper right quadrant of my teeth.  I survived the surgery, but for a week I will only be able to chew on my left side.  I will have to come back for three more surgeries.  I guess its better to go this than to lose my teeth.  This is what happens when we get older.

Back in the early 1980s I listened to WYNY when it was an adult contemporary station at 97.1 on the FM dial.  They played a good mix of oldies and currents.  For much of that time Bruce Bradley was the morning DJ.  I just found out that he recently passed away.  Jerry Barmash wrote a nice obituary.  Earlier in his career Bruce worked at WBZ in Boston and at country WHN in NYC.  He finished his radio career in St. Louis.

I found this interesting cover of I Shall be Released by Mama Cass Elliot, Joanie Mitchell, and Mary Travers from 1969:

Back to work tomorrow.

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