Friday, August 2, 2013

Random Comments of the Day

It is August already so there are only two more Fridays that I have off before the 5 day schedule resumes on August 19th.  Karen and I went to see Two Guns featuring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg.  There was too much violence.  I should have known from the movie's title.  As I have said before, I have outgrown the mainstream movies, but the multiplex is within walking distance.

I am on staycation next week.  Since I have the time, I may as well take it when things are slow in the library.  Maybe I'll take in some museums this week

Time Warner finally took Channel 2 off their system as an agreement could not be reached between the two parties.  I have one TV not connected to cable for situations like this.  Believe me they will settle before the regular NFL season begins in September.  There would be too much money lost.

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