Saturday, September 7, 2013

Random Thoughts on a Saturday Evening

It's nice to have the College Point Multiplex within walking distance,  but the mass appeal movies they show are just for the under 35 set.  I wish they would use one of their 12 screens for independent films, but I guess they would lose money.  Today we took a 10 minute drive over to the Bay Terrace Theater to see Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine featuring Cate Blanchett.  Mos of the people in the audience were senior citizens. Anyway, I thought there were too many relationship issues involved in a short period of time.

Cousin Brucie played the Orange Blossom Special by Johnny Cash while Lee was in the other room watching the Mets.  They are losing to the Cleveland Indians 9-4 in the 7th inning.

The Yankee pitching staff is just giving up too many runs.  The first two loses of this series were just heartbreaking while they lost today 13-9.  I really doubt if they will make the playoffs.

The New York City Schools open on Monday meaning that the buses and subways will be more crowded in the morning.

It is primary day on Tuesday, so thankfully the phone calls from the candidates will end.

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