Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Remembering Rosh Hashanah at the Lost Battalion Hall in Rego Park

I have written several journal entries about growing up in Rego Park.  Back in the 1950s and 60s the neighborhood was predominantly Jewish.  During the high holy days most of the retail establishments were closed.  My parents were members of the Rego Park Jewish Center (RPJC), but could never buy tickets for the holidays.  To accommodate the overflow, the RPJC rented the Lost Battalion Hall on Queens Blvd.

I would sit with my father, Uncle Ben, Willie, Leon, Mr. Horowitz, and Mickey.  They would never pay attention to the service, but talk about everything else.  I also recall that many women did not attend the services, but stood outside for hours to show off their outfits.  If I remember correctly the services continued there until the early 1980s, but stopped as the Jewish population of Rego Park diminished.  Those were the days.

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