Saturday, October 5, 2013

2013 Oldies Meet and Greet to Honor Alan Berman

I am paying tribute to Alan Berman

There was certainly a void at this Oldies Meet and Greet since we still feel the loss of Alan Berman.  About 40 people came to gather and share are love of oldies on the radio.  There were several radio personalities including Rich Appel, Cool Bobby B, Scott Lowe, Kristin LaBar and Bob Radil.  Old friends that attended included Mary Shaw, Linda Cohen, Frank D'Agostino, Jeff Scheckner, Bill Dillane, and Terri Durr.  In the photo above I gave a 5 minute tribute to Alan.  There were other tributes by Jeff, Bill, Mary and Frank.  I wa disappointed that Frank cut short his speech, but he sent me a written version.  Louise Murray sng

I would like to thank Jon Binstock (at the right) for making a trip from the Washington, D.C. are to attend this gathering.  I have known Jon since the mid 1990s when we "met" on the Prodigy radio boards.

My photos

Bob Radil's photos  - You may have to friend Bob on Facebook to see them

I will add links to other photos when they become available.

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