Saturday, October 26, 2013

Random Thoughts on a Saturday Evening

Since we hadn't seen a movie in several weeks we walked over to the local multiplex to see Captain Phillips starring Tom Hanks.  It was nice to see a film based on an actual event.  As I have said before, I am a little too old for these fantasy movies.

Two weeks ago Joe McCoy, the former program director of WCBS-FM, did an oldies show on WICC Bridgeport, Ct.  For the second week in a row I tuned in and there was an oldies show with no DJs.  Apparently it was a one time event.

Since none of the local teams are in the World Series, I thought I'd skip the first few innings and listen to some oldies on SirusXM 60s on 6.  Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits fame does a show before Cousin Bruce.  Near the end of his show he played Next Plane to London by Rose Garden which is one terrific lost hit.  Please give it a listen.

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