Monday, November 18, 2013

A Consequence of Making A Facebook Friend with Someone You Don't Know

I should do an inventory of my Facebook friends which now numbers about 500.  Many of them I have never met face to face and just "know them" electronically.  Many of my "electronic friends" are  fellow radio enthusiasts.  One of these friends is Mike Piazza (not the baseball player) who did an oldies show on WTSR affiliated with The College of New Jersey near Trenton.  Sadly Mike passed away in March 2011.

On the upper right side of my Facebook home page there was a note saying it was Mike's birthday today.  Over 40 people wished him a happy birthday and obviously did not he had passed away.  Only a few of the birthday wishes acknowledged he had died.  I really think there should be a mechanism for a family to request a Facebook profile of a deceased relative to be deleted.

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