Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy 65th Birthday to Bob Shannon

I found out on Facebook that today is the 65th birthday of Bob Shannon formerly of WCBS-FM.  The photo above was taken at the CBS Radio Expo at Yankee Stadium in June 2010.  Bob has not been heard on WCBS-FM or WLNG since December 2011.  There was never a statement made by either station.  We heard from the various radio message boards that he left due to health reasons.  No specifics were given and I certainly want to respect his privacy.  He was an asset to WCBS-FM for the many years that he worked there.  I remember him fondly for announcing Lee's birth on his show in March 1988.  He played "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong and said "what a wonderful world it is that we can welcome a new listener."  Lee has been a loyal listener to WCBS-FM for all those years.

My best wishes for a happy and healthy birthday to you Bob.

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