Thursday, January 30, 2014

Got a 32 inch Sony Smart HDTV

I think my family has owned Sony TVs since the 1970s when we first bought our first color set.  They are very durable as they last for years and never need service.  Whe had a Sony Trinitron for at least 12 years which was obviously obsolete.  It was still getting a good color picture but was not a High Definition TV.  We finally gave in and bought a 32 inch smart TV at Best Buy.

There is obviously a learning curve involved with a high tech device.  We called Time Warner TV to come in and swap cable boxes and set up the new TV.  What a difference!  We also put our land line phone with Time Warner cable.  I still have to experiment with the internet capabilities of the new set.  I will be able get movies from and Youtube.  I may have to cope with technostress for a little while.

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