Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King Day Present and Past

For many years I have worked in academic libraries as the spring semester always begins the day after ML King Day.  The weather is usually cold so we are limited on what we can do.  For several years we went to the Knick game at Madison Square Garden.  However since the ticket prices are prohibitively expensive we only go to college games at the Garden.  It was just as well that we didn't go to today's game as the Brooklyn Nets beat the Knicks 103-80.  Plenty of people are willing to spend $100+/ticket to see a lousy team.

Karen and I went to the local multiplex to see Her starring Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams and the voice of Scarlett Johansson.  It is about a man who falls in love with his computer's operating system.  Would computer nerds like this movie?

Back to work tomorrow with a forecast of 6+ inches of snow.

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