Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Random Thoughts on New Year's Day

My holiday vacation ended on an expected high note.  For the first time in a few years there was a complete category on Jeopardy devoted to Bob Dylan.  It was "Dylan Songs in Other Words."  Since Jeopardy is so fast paced it is impossible to write down the answers and questions.  There is a web site called Jeopardy Archive where all shows are documented.  In a few days when today's show is on that site, I'll post everything.  I was pleased that the 3 contestants got all 5 questions.

On this vacation I saw 3 college basketball games:

  • St. Johns vs Columbia
  • Kansas State vs Tulane
  • Hofstra vs NJIT
I saw 3 movies:
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
  • American Hustle
  • Grudge Match
Visited 1 museum
  • Jewish Museum
Went to 2 restaurants
  • Ben's Deli in Bayside
  • Applebees
There were 259 posts in Bruce's Journal in 2013 down from 292 in 2012.  My most prolific year was 2009 with 428 posts.

It is back to work tomorrow, but there is a forecast for a major snowstorm Thursday night into Friday.  Hopefully there will be enough snow to close NJIT.  There are only a few classes given during the Wintersession, but the library and all administrative offices are open.  I'll have to wait and see.

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