Sunday, February 16, 2014

Steve Harper and Leanna Karlson on WKJY Should Be Fired for Deceiving Their Listeners.

I have been an avid listener of terrestrial, satellite, and internet radio for many years and have enjoyed listening to many radio personalities.  In recent years I have the pleasure of meeting several of them at the Oldies Meet and Greets that we've had in Manhattan.  I always like to know that the man or woman behind the microphone is a friend who provides me with entertainment and helps me get through the day.

Please read read Jerry Barmash's fine article describing the deceitful stunt done by Steve Harper and Leanna Karlson of WKJY in Long Island.  There is no need for me to repeat the terrible details.

I call on the two of them to be fired iimediately by the management of WKJY.  I sure there are plenty of fine radio personalities out there who just love to have a gig in a major market.

I have no stake in the radio business, but I just feel the need to express my opinion on the unethical action of these two clowns.

The station announced on Sunday evening that the two hosts were suspended.

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