Saturday, June 14, 2014

Remembering Alan Berman a Year Later

It was the Saturday before Fathers Day a year ago when Karen, Lee and I met up with Alan at Citifield.  It was a boring game as the Mets lost to the Chicago Cubs.  Who knew that would be the last time I would see him.  On Sunday he drove to Yonkers to play golf.  On Monday I received a e-mail from Terri saying that she was concerned that she hadn't see Alan online for the day as he was a Facebook addict.  At that time I didn't think there was a problem.  But when I didn't hear from him by Tuesday I was alarmed.  I called his home and cell phones and did not get an answer.  I searched his name in Google News and found out about the tragic car accident.

The small and large oldies meets and greets have not been the same since he left us.  I greatly miss his enthusiasm for baseball, oldies, and New York radio.  I am sure that all his friends feel the same way.  I have thought about what song to dedicate to Alan on this anniversary.  Alan was not a fan of 1980s music, but I thought Missing You by Diana Ross would be appropriate as she sings about how she misses Marvin Gaye who died under tragic circumstances.

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