Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Dylanologists and Other Comments of the Day

Today I spent much time reading The Dylanologists by David Kinney.  There are so many Dylan books written, but this is unique since it discusses the activities of many Dylan fanatics.  Many of the people he discusssed were familar to me including Nina Goss, Lucas Stensland, Peter Stone Brown, Christopher Ricks, Stephen Scobie, and Andrew Muir among many others.  I was disappointed that he didn't mention Pete Freckelton or Mel Prussack.  He talked about some people who waited outside Terminal 5 for hours on the west side of Manhattan in November 2010 to stand in front to see Bob.  I went to one of those concerts and stood in the middle.  Please take a look at the author's blog at

Now that there is no triple crown winner 99% of the people who watched the Belmont States will immediately lose interest in horse racing.  I think interest in the sport has waned over the years.

The Rangers have taken a 2-0 lead in tonight's Stanley Cup final game, but I am writing this blog post and listening to Cousin Brucie.  Right now he is taking a phone call from a 10 year old who just requested Surfin' Bird by the Trashmen.

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