Saturday, August 2, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Summer Saturday

It was raining this morning so I was able to spend some time getting used to the new computer with Windows 8.1.  I am gradually learning how to use this new operating system.  It is nice to have a computer that is so much faster than my old computer from 2009 that uses Windows Vista.

We visited Mom in the early afternoon at the Amber Court in Westbury.  When I got home I tuned in Pop Gold Radio to hear par of Don Tandler's countdown of the hits of August 2, 1964.  I then listened to Darren DeVivo sitting in for Don McGee on Mixed Bag on WFUV

We went to see the James Brown biopic Get On Up. at the local multiplex.  Mick Jagger was the executive producer.

The Yankees beat the Red Sox 6-4 while the Mets beat the Giants 4-2 as Jacob DeGrom won his 5th straight game.  Could he be the Rookie of the Year?

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