Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Congratulations to WCBS-FM for Being #1 in the Ratings

WCBS-FM is now #1 in the NYC radio ratings with 6.8% of age 12+ listeners.  Lite-FM with 5.7% came in a distant second.  It seems that the strategy of bringing in Scott Shannon in the morning has paid off nicely.  Likewise the move away from 60s music turned out to be correct. It also seems that a tight playlist attracts more listeners. Will they be able to sustain this ratings lead since listening habits likely change over the summer.

I have been listening to WCBS-FM less as I have moved to internet radio for oldies.  Since I am 65 years old WCBS-FM doesn't want me as a listener anyway.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mets 8 Astros 3 in Season Finale at Citifield

It seems to be a tradition that we go to the first Saturday home game and the last game of the season for the Mets.  In 2004 we saw the last game of the Montreal Expos; 2005 was the last Met game for Mike Piazza; in 2013 we got Mike Piazza shirts as he was elected into the Mets Hall of Fame.  This year the Mets were giving out Casey Stengel bobble head dolls.  I was likely one of the few people in the stand who rooted for the Mets when Casey was manager from 1962-5.  A few of his relatives were introduced to the crowd.

The game was a pleasant surprise as the Mets won 8-3.  Since Bobby Abreu announced his retirement he started in right field, but was taken out after he hit a single.  He received a warm reception by the fans.  Lucas Duda and Ruben Tejada hit two run home runs for the Amazins as Bartolo Colon won his 15th game of the season.  The Mets were 4-7 in the games we attended this season.  The Mets appreciate the support of their fans.

For several seasons it has been a ritual in Wrigley Field for the Cub fans to throw back home run balls hit bey the opposition.. This has also spread to other stadiums.  Today for the first time I saw Met fans throw back balls that landed in the outfield stands as grand rule doubles.  It actually happened twice.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Announcing the 2014 Oldies Meet and Greet Saturday November 15 2 PM

Since autumn is now here it is time to think about the 9th Annual Meet and Greet of Oldies Radio Enthusiasts. It will be held Saturday November 15 2 PM at the usual place. Ben's Deli, 209 West 38th Street in Manhattan. In the past as many as 80 people have come to our events. This year Sue O'Neal of WCBS-FM. Bob Radil of the 60s 70s Show and Cool Bobby B of Sirius XM 50s on 5 are scheduled to come. If other radio celebrities appear, it will be announced in this Facebook page. In the past Pat St. John, Broadway Bill Lee, Bobby Jay, Jim Kerr, Carol Miller, and Keith Allen have attended. You may see photos of the 2012 event posted by Bob Gilmore at  http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=0AaN3LRu1bNWjsQ .

All attendees will receive an air guitar courtesy of the organizers. It will not be necessary to answer a trivia question to get one.

Please feel free to invite any of your friends to this event. The organizers are Jeff Scheckner (jmandjs@aol.com) and Bruce Slutsky (BruceS8852@aol.com) . Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Random Comments of the Day

I finally finished the book Another Side of Bob Dylan by Victor Maymudes.  Actually his son Jacob kept audio tape recordings that Victor made documenting his relationship with Dylan as his tour manager.  Every biography offers new facts. I found out that Dylan played chess.  The only significant revelation was that the 30th Anniversary Concert at Madison Square Garden was originally planned as a benefit but turned out to be a for profit event.  George Harrison was really annoyed when he found out.  This biography was unique since it was written by a Dylan insider rather than a journalist.

God really must have been a Yankee fan yesterday.  The original weather forecast was for rain all evening.  Everyone was afraid that Jeter's last game at Yankee Stadium would be rained out.  The rain ended in Queens in the early afternoon.  Who thought that DAvid Robertson would blow a save by allowing 3 runs in the top of the 9th setting up the stage for Jeter's walk off single.

It is a shame that reconnections are just too brief.  JB just recalled our singing of Mr. Bassman.  He followed up wit a photo of his four dogs.  I wish he would have told be briefly at least what has happened to him over the last 40 years.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy Jewish New Year

I appreciate all who read Bruce's Journal, and follow me on Facebook or Twitter.  I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Comment on an article in Yesterday's New York Times Magazine

I guess it has been some time since I commented on an article in the New York Times which I only buy on Sundays.  I usually read several sections on the day that I get it but it has become a "ritual" for me to read the magazine section on the ride to work on Monday.  The was an article titled How Gary Hart's Downfall Forever Changed American Politics.  I didn't see the point on why the writer had to detail Senator Hart's indiscretion of 27 years ago.  He likely would have become the Democratic nominee in 1988, but his sexual adventure killed his candidacy.  Several years Bill Clinton acted like a jerk in his relationships with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky, but I don't see how the situations with Clinton and Hart are linked.  The article did point out that FDR, JFK, and LBJ fooled around, but nobody knew about it until many years later. I guess back in those days it was easier to keep those things secret.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Monkee Covers the Beatles

A couple the years ago Micky Dolenz issued a CD called Remember.  There was an interesting cover of the Beatles "Good Morning Good Morning".  Give it a listen.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Harry Harrison - Morning Radio is Not the Same Without You

I thank Larry Ware for posting this video on the Fans of Harry Harrison page on Facebook.  There are 445 people in this group but there are thousands out there who fondly remember listen to Harry on WMCA, WABC, and WCBS-FM.  Morning radio is just not the same.  Best wishes to Harry.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Reconnecting with John Bartalotta of New Britain, Ct.

Over the past several years I have reconnected with a number of people during various chapters of my life. I have had problems encountering people from my years as achemistry graduate student at the University of Rhode Island (URI). This morning I received a brief e-mail from John Bartalotta of New Britain Ct.   John and I entered URI as graduate students in chemistry in January 1972. We both had 1972 Chevy Novas: his was red while mine was gold. We remained friends during my years at URI. I fondly remembering visiting him in New Britain during the summer of 1973. I made friends with his German Shepherd named Duke who woke me up every morning and drank coffee with his breakfast.As I graduated in January 1974, John and I went our own ways.

I hadn't heard from John in over 40 years until I received an e-mail from him this morning. He recalled how we both sang Mr. Bassman by John Cymbal after drinking a few beers. It turns out that John and I reconnected through this Journal.

In 2011 I wrote an entry about theuntimely passing of our mutual friend and classmate Mike Frechette. I was able to determine from Google Analytics that someone in New Britain, CT had landed on that page. John was able to find my work e-mail and sent me a short message.

Thank you so much John for contacting me. I certainly enjoyed my time with you during my two years at URI. I hope you will keep in touch with me.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Regis Philbin is the Most Popular Host of Millionaire

In a very unscientific poll Regis Philbin was unanimously  voted as the most popular host of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.  Only 3 people voted.  I know through experience that very few people want to be bothered by surveys.  What the heck.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Much Ado About IOS 8 But I Can't Get It

There was a lot said in the last week about the release of the iPhone 6.  I read that there were 4 million of them pre-ordered.  But is there such a big difference between the 5 and 6?  I guess everyone has to get the most current model.  With the release of the new phone Apple released today the operating system IOS 8.  I eventually wanted to upgrade from IOS 7, but there was a message on my phone stating that I would need 4.7 GB of disk space.  Since I only have 3.8 GB left, I just can;t get the IOS 8.  Oh well.  It is not the end of the world.

I had the iPhone 3G for about 3 years and then got an iPhone 5.  When my current phone conks out, I'll upgrade/

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Condolences to Anthony Grimaldi and Family

Today I found out Sam Grimaldi, the father of my good friend Anthony passed away.  I don't know his exact age, but I think he was about 96 years old.  God blessed with with a long life.  I have known Anthony since 1996 when he joined the NJIT Library.  After 6 years he moved onto the Elmont Public Library from where he retired.

Anthony was a very good son as he stayed with his father for 16 hours a day during his last days.  My  sincere condolences to the Grimaldi family.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Big Jeopardy News - Alex Trebek Grew Back His Mustache

Alex said that since he had nothing to do for 6 weeks, he grew back his mustache.  There are so many important things in the world, but I have chosen to write about a game show host and his mustache.   On today's show, the first of the season, he invited viewers to say on Facebook or Twitter to vote whether they like it or not.  I say he should shave it off.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thanks Gary Brefini for Playing She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby

WCBS-FM is pI have never hear She Blinded Me With Science by Thomas Dolby there.  It peaked at #5 on the Billboard chart in 1984.  I thank Gary Brefini for playing it on Radio XL5 last night.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Who is Your Favorite Host of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

So far there have been 4 hosts of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?  Who is your favorite?

  • Regis Philbin
  • Meridith Viera
  • Cedric the Entertainier
  • Terry Crews
What is your final answer?  Click here to answer the poll.

Thank you for participating

Friday, September 12, 2014

Remembering Bob Crewe and his contributions to the Music of the 60s and 70s

This week we heard the news that songwriter and producer Bob Crewe passed away.  He did much of his work for the 4 Seasons all those years ago.  Here is a list compiled by Bob Radil  of many of the songs that he wrote.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Get Together by the Youngbloods - Remembering September 11, 2001

Whenever I walk through Penn Station and see the National Guard, I am always reminded of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.  Nobody likes going through the extraordinary security at airports, but sadly it is necessary.  We must never forget the people whom we lost on that terrible day.  Please listen to Get Together by the Youngbloods.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When I Don't Listen to the Beatles or Dylan I Read About Them

Dennis Mitchell on his syndicated radio show Breakfast with the Beatles often interviews authors of Beatle books.  Some months ago he interviewed Robert Rodriguez, the author of Solo in the 70s: John, Paul, George, Ringo 1970 - 1980.  So much have been written about the Beatles in the 60s when they were together, but relatively little is available on their solo careers.  The book piqued my interest so I bought it for my Kindle Fire.  In my opinion George Harrison gained the most by the breakup of the Fab Four.  I am in the middle of it now.

There have been tons of biographies of Bob Dylan written over the years.  Dylan is a very private person who rarely does interviews.  The newest biography which was released today is called Another Side of Bob Dylan.  It was written by Victor Maymudes, a confidant of Dylan.  Since Victor died years ago his son has written the book.  I just downloaded it, but have to find the time to read it.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Who Wants to be a Millionaire - New Season with Changes

After many years of being shown at 12:30 PM on Channel 7 the show was moved to 2 PM.  So many times Millionaire was pre-empted when the 12 noon news was expanded since there was a major event.  Secondlym Terry Crews is the new host succeeding Cedric the Entertainer.  Did Cedric quit or was his contract not renewed by the producers of the show?  I guess we'll never know.  In any event my favorite host was Regis Philbin.

There is a new lifeline called +1 replacing one of the jumps.  The contestant has a friend in the audience that he/she can ask to come over to assist.  It replaces the original phone-a-friend.  The problem with that lifeline was that the friend at home can have a computer and Google to find the answer within 30 seconds.

I thought that Jeopardy would start its season today, but there was a rerun of a kids tournament.  I assume new shows will be aired starting next Monday.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Donation to the Lustgarden Foundation in Memory of Dad

My Dad, Irving Slutsky, died 17 years ago of pancreatic cancer.  He lived for 2 years after he was diagnosed with it.  I will be lighting a yahrzeit candle in his memory tonight.  I made a donation to the Lustgarden Foundation in his memory.  Hopefully, some day there will be a cure for pancreatic cancer.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Got Tickets for Bob Dylan at the Beacon Theater on November 29

When the Never Ending Tour comes to NYC, I have to be there, of course.  The tickets for 4 shows at the Beacon Theater went on sale today at 10 AM.  I was online at ticketmaster.com and was able to get 3 tickets for the show on Saturday night November 29.  These tickets were very expensive, but I guess Mr. Zimmerman needs the money. Of course, there is a big Ticketmaster fee, but this time there is no way of getting around it.  Let's hope he puts on a good show as the 2014 leg of the Never Ending Tour comes to a close in NYC.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Happy 95th Birthday Mom

Since Mom was born in Europe in 1919, the exact date of her birth was never recorded.  She knew it was before Rosh Hashana, so we always celebrate it on September 4th.  Happy Birthday Mom!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Random Comments of the Day

WCBS-FM is #1 in the Arbitron ratings for the second month in a row.  It seem that Scott Shannon has brought many listeners to the station from WPLJ and possibly other stations.  Those people apparently stay with the station later in the day.  I listen to WCBS-FM less as I don't like Scott Shannon's style and  hear that CBS-FM plays much less 1960s hits.  Since I am 65 years old they don't want me anyway.

Thank goodness for caller ID.  Whenever I see a phone number that I don't recognize, I will not pick up the phone.  There have just been too many scams and crank calls lately.

Yesterday was the first day off classes at NJIT.  It seemed strange to see the campus so crowded after 3 1/2 months of being in the summer mode  when so few students, faculty and staff are around.

I just heard on the news that New Jersey governor Chris Christie is going to Mexico.  It appears that he is trying to get some "experience" in foreign relations before he decides to make a run for the presidency.  I do not like him for 2 reasons:

1.  He vetoed the construction of a new commuter railroad tunnel under the Hudson River which is desparately needed. He cites cost overruns, but if a project is planned properly there should not be cost overruns.

2.  He signed off on the Jersey First law which requires employees of NJ state agencies to live in the state.  Thankfully, I was grandfathered out of this requirement.  I think it is very spiteful to residents of New York and Pennsylvania.

In my opinion Chris Christie is not presidential material.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Mets Fired the Wrong Person

Mets Merized Online reports that the team fired Leigh Castergine,the Senor Vice President of ticket sales.  It seems that she was unfairly blamed for the decline in ticket sales.  She did bring some innovative ideas to try to bring fans to the stadium such as t-shirt Fridays, concerts, and family Sundays.  In 2009 and 2010 the team drew well as people came to see the new stadium, but the team has had a losing record every year since Citifield opened.  The record is now 64-73 with 25 games to go so it seems very likely the team will finish below .500 again.

Sandy Alderson has made some good and some bad moves.  The trade of Marlin Byrd and John Buck for Vic Black and Dilson Herrara seems to have worked out, but Curtis Granderson has been a very big disappointment so far.  Mets arguable have one of the best pitching staffs in baseball as money of the young pitchers are awesome.  They just need some consistent hitters.  If the blame is to go anywhere is should to the Wilpons.  I really hope they sell the team.