Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Random Comments of the Day

WCBS-FM is #1 in the Arbitron ratings for the second month in a row.  It seem that Scott Shannon has brought many listeners to the station from WPLJ and possibly other stations.  Those people apparently stay with the station later in the day.  I listen to WCBS-FM less as I don't like Scott Shannon's style and  hear that CBS-FM plays much less 1960s hits.  Since I am 65 years old they don't want me anyway.

Thank goodness for caller ID.  Whenever I see a phone number that I don't recognize, I will not pick up the phone.  There have just been too many scams and crank calls lately.

Yesterday was the first day off classes at NJIT.  It seemed strange to see the campus so crowded after 3 1/2 months of being in the summer mode  when so few students, faculty and staff are around.

I just heard on the news that New Jersey governor Chris Christie is going to Mexico.  It appears that he is trying to get some "experience" in foreign relations before he decides to make a run for the presidency.  I do not like him for 2 reasons:

1.  He vetoed the construction of a new commuter railroad tunnel under the Hudson River which is desparately needed. He cites cost overruns, but if a project is planned properly there should not be cost overruns.

2.  He signed off on the Jersey First law which requires employees of NJ state agencies to live in the state.  Thankfully, I was grandfathered out of this requirement.  I think it is very spiteful to residents of New York and Pennsylvania.

In my opinion Chris Christie is not presidential material.

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