Friday, September 19, 2014

Reconnecting with John Bartalotta of New Britain, Ct.

Over the past several years I have reconnected with a number of people during various chapters of my life. I have had problems encountering people from my years as achemistry graduate student at the University of Rhode Island (URI). This morning I received a brief e-mail from John Bartalotta of New Britain Ct.   John and I entered URI as graduate students in chemistry in January 1972. We both had 1972 Chevy Novas: his was red while mine was gold. We remained friends during my years at URI. I fondly remembering visiting him in New Britain during the summer of 1973. I made friends with his German Shepherd named Duke who woke me up every morning and drank coffee with his breakfast.As I graduated in January 1974, John and I went our own ways.

I hadn't heard from John in over 40 years until I received an e-mail from him this morning. He recalled how we both sang Mr. Bassman by John Cymbal after drinking a few beers. It turns out that John and I reconnected through this Journal.

In 2011 I wrote an entry about theuntimely passing of our mutual friend and classmate Mike Frechette. I was able to determine from Google Analytics that someone in New Britain, CT had landed on that page. John was able to find my work e-mail and sent me a short message.

Thank you so much John for contacting me. I certainly enjoyed my time with you during my two years at URI. I hope you will keep in touch with me.

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