Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When I Don't Listen to the Beatles or Dylan I Read About Them

Dennis Mitchell on his syndicated radio show Breakfast with the Beatles often interviews authors of Beatle books.  Some months ago he interviewed Robert Rodriguez, the author of Solo in the 70s: John, Paul, George, Ringo 1970 - 1980.  So much have been written about the Beatles in the 60s when they were together, but relatively little is available on their solo careers.  The book piqued my interest so I bought it for my Kindle Fire.  In my opinion George Harrison gained the most by the breakup of the Fab Four.  I am in the middle of it now.

There have been tons of biographies of Bob Dylan written over the years.  Dylan is a very private person who rarely does interviews.  The newest biography which was released today is called Another Side of Bob Dylan.  It was written by Victor Maymudes, a confidant of Dylan.  Since Victor died years ago his son has written the book.  I just downloaded it, but have to find the time to read it.

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