Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Who in Monroe Township, New Jersey is Reading This Journal?

I constantly monitor the readership of Bruce's Journal through Google Analytics.  Over the last year somebody from Monroe Township, New Jersey has accessed this site 379 times which is slightly more than once a day.  Monroe Township is off exit 8A of the New Jersey Turnpike in southern Middlesex County.  It is a bedroom community with a population about 39,000 halfway between NYC and Philadelphia.

I don't know anyone from that township.  Don Tandler lives in East or West Windsor which is nearby.  I think Don reads this journal once in a while but not as much as once a day.  I don't think anyone from NJIT lives there as it is a good 60 miles away from Newark.

Is this individual a

  • Bob Dylan fan
  • New York Mets fan
  • Jeopardy enthuisast
  • Oldies music maven
I am inviting Mr. or Ms. Monroe Township to reveal his/her identity and why he/she is attracted to this blog.  It gets about 20 hits a day and I often wonder who reads it.

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