Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday Thoughts

Of course retailers are out for the almighty buck and Black Friday actually started on Thanksgiving.  The TV news reported that many stores were crowded yesterday as shoppers sought out bargains.

I avoid shopping on this "sacred day" as I really don't like the crowds and waiting on long lines to pay.  In recent years I have become a "cyber shopper".  This morning I ordered my Jeopardy calendar from

Later today I will see the movie The Theory of Everything which is about Stephen Hawking.  Since it is not playing at the College Point Multiplex I will drive over to the Bay Terrace Theater in Bayside.

There is a new oldies station WOLD-LP in Woodbridge, NJ.  They are playing a wide variety of hits from the 60s and 70s.  The dial position is 107.9 FM, but since it is a low power station I assume it can be heard over the air only in Central New Jersey.  It is on the internet at

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