Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Random Thoughts During the Vacation Period

Even though I don't have to get up so early to start out on my miserable commute to work, I still get up at the same time anyway.  I guess my biological clock doesn't know I don't have to go to work.

It is nice to visit some familiar resturants:

  • Ben's Deli in Bayside - I just love a kosher pastrami sandwich.  The "goyische" pastrami at Subway is just not the same
  • International House of Pancakes - I just love their chocolate chip pancakes which you can not get at an ordinary diner
It is nice not to have to ride the subways or New Jersey Transit and encounter delays.  We took the trains to the Barclays Center on Sunday, but thankfully there were no problems.

Thankfully the weather has been decent for the end of December.  In other years there was extremely cold weather, show or both.

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