Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Meteorology is Not an Exact Science

It didn't turn out to be the blizzard of the century as Queens got about 10 inches of snow which is still significant.  Eastern Long Island and Connecticut got the brunt of the storm. This shows that meterology is never an exact science.  Even today's sophisticated computers can only make predictions.  It is always better to prepare for the worst but hope for the best.  I think this time our public officials did the right thing by closing roads and public transportation at 11 PM last night.  There were open early this morning.

It is back to work tomorrow as service on New Jersey Transit was also restored this morning.  It may take a day or so for things to get back to normal.  It will be cold over the next few days so the snow won't melt quickly.  I just hate dirty snow, but what can I do.

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