Monday, January 26, 2015

Taking the Blizzard of 2015 One Day at a Time

As I wrote in my previous post I decided to lose a vacation day to avoid the aggravation of commuting in bad weather.  After my morning session on the internet, I got some reading done for a while.  I then looked at my collection of DVDs and viewed the Bob Dylan surrealistic biopic I'm Not There.  At 12 noon there was a break in the snow so I walked over to Dunkin' Donuts for some lunch.  Then it was back to reading from my Amazon Kindle until 2 PM when I turned on Channel 7.  Luckily there was a break in the storm coverage and I was able to watch my second favorite quiz show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire".  Att that time the snowfall began to intensify.  The forecast is still up to an accumulation of 24 inches.

It turns out that classes after 4 PM were cancelled at NJIT as the library and other administrative offices closed simultaneously.  The Vice President in an email announced that everything  would be closed tomorrow, but open on Wednesday.  However, New Jersey Transit announced tht rail service  would be suspended until Thursday.  If NJIT opens on Wednesday, I'll have to decide if I should try to get in via PATH.  I'll have to take this situation one day at a time.

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