Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thinking Ahead to Retirement

Tomorrow afternoon I am going to TIAA-CREF in Manhattan  to make a contribution to a Roth IRA.  With a little luck, I hope to retire at the end of 2017, but that date is not engraved in stone.  By that time I will have completed 25 years of service at NJIT and be eligible for certain benefits.  There is always that fear of not having enough money in retirement.  I feel that I have invested wisely.

The other issue is keeping occupied during retirement.  I have seen too many elderly people just walking the streets having nothing to do.  A few months ago I joined the Society of American Baseball Research.  I thought is to use my library skills to research some baseball topics.  A thought came to mind to write a book with thumbnail biographies of baseball players who were born in the New York City area.

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