Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Lillian Slutsky 1919-2015

Mom on Mother's Day 2011

With great sadness I announce the passing of my mother Lillian Slutsky at age 95.  This past week was a period of great anxiety for my sister Joyce Feuer and me as Mom had fallen and would face a long and difficult recovery at an advanced age.  it was the Lord's will for her to leave us at this time.  I thank him so much for giving her 95 years.

The last few years were difficult for Joyce and I as we had to do our best in providing care for an elderly parent.  I thank Joyce especially for all her hard work over these last years.

When I look back I must recall as much as possible about the good times.  She was born in Poland in 1919.  What was the life expectancy of a person in 1919?  She came to the United States as a young girl with my grandparents and Uncle Abe.  Her brother Sy was born here a few years later.

She married my father in 1946.  I was born in 1949 while Joyce in 1952. My parents lived a walkup apartment in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn when I was born.  So she had to schlep me up the stairs when I was a baby.  In 1951 we moved to a walkup building on Saunders Street.  So Mom had to schlep Joyce up the stairs back then.

 Mom always wanted the best for us as we were growing up.  She had many proud moments over the years.  She lived to see three grandsons, Scott, Adam, and Lee.

I'd like to thank my Facebook friends who sent their well wishes and prayers.  I don't want to be too verbose, so I'll close here.

Thanks again, everybody.

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