Monday, March 9, 2015

Will A New Politically Correct Dick Tracy Wear the Apple Watch?

Today I had a conversation with my colleague Joe about the new Apple Watch that was announced today though the web site states it won't be available until April 24.  The nuisance about this watch is that the iPhone must be nearby for it to work.  I guess all of the technology geeks will have to own it.

This watch reminded us of the radio watch used by Dick Tracy.  We recalled that in the early 1960s WPIX Channel 11 in NYC featured Dick Tracy cartoons hosted by Chief Joe Bolton.  Some of the villains were:

  • Stooge Villar and Mumbles
  • The Mole
  • Flat Top and BB Eyes
Some of the detectives that worked with Dick Tracy were:
  • Joe Jitsu
  • Heep O'Calorie
  • Hemlock Holmes
  • Go Go Gomez
The cartoons have not been shown on TV in many years since there were ethnic stereotypes associated with the characters.  Now people are politically correct.  I did find some of the old shows on Youtube.

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