Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bob Dylan's Ballad in Plan D Inspired Randy Bachman to Write Undun Recorded by the Guess Who

Tonight Cousin Brucie interviewed Randy Bachman who was the lead singer of the Guess Who and the Bachman Turner Overdrive.  One of The Guess Who's biggest hits was Undun, a song that tells the story of a girl whom he had seen at a party who slipped into a coma after dropping acid. Randy said that the word Undun was from Ballad in Plan D an obscure Bob Dylan song from the album Another Side of Bob Dylan.

"Of the two sisters, I loved the young
With sensitive instincts, she was the creative one
The constant scapegoat, she was easily undone
By the jealousy of others around her"

Ballad in Plain D was a very boring song that alluded to Dylan's romantic relationship with Suze Rotolo.

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